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And Now You Know The Rest Of The Story.

Posted on November 11 2024

When I went down to Lordville on Wednesday, I had hoped to maybe finish up in time to get a little fishing in. I didn't. It was 4:00 when I called it quits so I decided to take my bow and sit in a place where I've often seen does and fawns come out to feed in the evening.

The first doe appeared at 4:15 followed closely by her two fawns. Another doe appeared moments later. By 4:30 there were four does and three fawns in sight. Shortly thereafter, a nice eight point buck walked towards the does. He seemed to look at me several times but was clearly more interested in the array of potential mates. When he got within 25 yards of me he stopped broadside, which turned out to be the last mistake he ever made.

Called Jean in the morning, (her car has the trailer hitch), and she drove down, (an hour and fifty minutes each way) so we could transport the deer back home. Finished up the butchering Saturday night in time to treat Jean to a nice prime rib dinner at Dasher's Pub down in Homer.

BTW-  On " Gonna Shut You Down" I was referring to the Beach Boys "Shut Down", (Tack it up, tack it up, buddy gonna shut you down). Jim D., gets full credit for the Rip Chords "Hey Little Cobra" which has the same shut her down language. Sadly I can only give half credit to Ed S. for his "409" reference, he got the singers right (it was another Beach Boys tune from the same era) but contained no shut down language.

"On Turn Out The Lights The Party's Over", I thought for sure someone would cite Dallas Cowboy's quarterback and Monday Night Football's legend, Don Meredith who probably made the song more famous than Willie did when he warbled it whenever he deemed the Monday night game to be over.

As always, thanks to all for your kind comments. Will be looking forward to next April when hopefully we can all get together again.


  • Ews999: December 25, 2024

    Angler119 and Dave. Merry Christmas to You and Your Families. All My Best Wishes for the New Year. Ed Smith

  • Keith: November 17, 2024

    It has indeed been a wonderful season. And your writing and reporting has made it even more enjoyable. I’m looking forward to when the season spins round again.

  • Jim Dygert: November 13, 2024

    This has been truly a great year for the interaction from everybody. It’s not just the fishing it’s also the people. Angler 119 has lucked out with an enterprising group of fly casters to make this a great blog. Very fortunate…and so as Paul Harvey used to end his program with the very familiar phrase ..”Good Day!”

  • Dennis: November 13, 2024

    A119 congrats on the nice buck!!! Sounds like you have great stand in a great spot!!!!!!!! I filled my doe tag yesterday and am waiting for gun to open.
    Thanks again for all your help and sharing you knowledge about the Deleware river system. Have a great winter and enjoy Florida

  • Ed Smith: November 11, 2024

    Angler119- Thank you for the half point. Jim D . is truly the master and deserves all the kudos. I really fell apart on Don Meredith.He is one of the reasons I’m a Cowboys fan, (although they stink this year) and should have caught that. Your music puzzles are always great fun. I’ll study hard over the winter. Enjoy Florida with Jean. Ed

  • DJ: November 11, 2024

    Can’t say it as well, certainly not any better than those who left comments yesterday. A119, those comments confirm that the value of your contribution to our experience of fishing the Delaware system is immense. I confidently doubt that any other world-class fishery has its equal. Thank you.

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