Posted on July 07 2016
Maybe now I'll stop whining about Montana.
Yesterday I might have been a tad down. Even with no one fishing I couldn't find bugs and feeding fish enough to get excited or enthused about. Today it started out worse. Didn't head for the river until mid-afternoon and when I did - the river (WB ) was shrouded in fog, even in the fog I could count six boats anchored within the Deposit city limits. There were probably two or three more upstream and at least a dozen wade fishermen vying for space along the river. Couldn't get out of there fast enough. Even with no boats and less than half a dozen anglers, I couldn't find fish there Tuesday.
Over to the upper east I went and low there was a red pickup truck (with two anglers) parked right where I wanted to go. Onward to the next spot which was unoccupied when I drove by ten minutes earlier- it now had an angler donning waders. The next pool was blissfully vacant and had fish eating sulfurs. Spent three hours there casting at fish, some of which were sticking their noses out to eat duns and some of which were dining on hookless nymphs. When at seven o'clock, 8 or 10 Kayaks banged their way by, I reeled it in and headed back to the WB where I intended to try at the gamelands. When I couldn't see the river, let alone boats or anglers off the Hale Eddy bridge, I filed an amended flight plan and headed downstream in search of a place where I could at least see how many anglers I would be fishing with. Found a spot at about eight o'clock that seemed to be unoccupied. Walked in and had rising fish eat my fly non stop 'till I reeled it in and headed back to the car at nine-forty. What were they eating? Anything I threw at 'em.