Posted on September 26 2023
After another rainy weekend trying to get things done at home, I was surprised to find that today was to be a much sought after "rainy, drizzly day". My enthusiasm was quickly dampened by a check of water levels which were still fine at bed time last night. It was clear this morning that this week would be a case of fishing where you could, not where you wanted to.
Took care of the remaining items on the at home to-do list, packed the car, filled half a five gallon pail with drops from our Bartlett Pear tree (most are disfigured and small as the Bartlett needs to be cross pollinated and the cross pollinator died years ago). Drove down the road and filled up a five gallon pail of apples at a neighbors and headed for the Lordville Estate only to remember I forgot the sandwich rolls on the top of the refrigerator. Felt like I was attached to a bungee cord. Finally arrived at Lordville about 1:30. Humphries Brook was roaring and the BR was at 4,000cfs.
With the WB and UEB the only fishable water, my choices were limited. Found a good hatch of bugs with lots of rising fish on the lower WB. The action lasted about an hour with refusals and ignores badly out numbering takes. When the action quieted down I took a drive over to the UEB where to my surprise no one was fishing (first and only car was at Long Flat). Did a U-turn at the Long Flat parking lot and headed back looking in vain for bugs (there were a few) and risers (not enough to even consider stopping). Back to the WB where whatever was going to happen had happened. Was at the fishing camp by 7:00.
Threw a few pears and apples out for the animals before I went fishing and they were gone when I got back. Tried apples and peaches in Lafayette and the animals didn't touch the peaches (which Lordville animals love).
Check the flows before you come. Enjoy the outdoors and don't be disappointed if you don't fill your creel.