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Parking areas tell tale of woe.

Posted on June 22 2016

At four o'clock there were no cars at the lower game lands lot and just two cars at the upper game lands.  At seven o'clock there were no cars at the power line pool  and one car at Long Flat.

No one is fishing - because? No one is catching any fish.  The "fluff" reports notwithstanding.

Today I fished a run in the middle section of the WB from ten in the morning (I've done very well in the morning the past two weeks and expected to do well today) until four in the afternoon.  Saw one other wade fisherman and two boats. One of the boats was rowed by a guide who I consider to be the best on the river.  We were both there because the run is full of fish and the bugs have been going good there for two weeks.

How'd I do?  During the six hours I was there I rose three fish, none of which ate my fly.  I hooked one of them in the side and landed "the fish of the day" - a foul hooked fifteen incher.

By comparison the evening fishing on the upper EB was "lights out". The fish went on "something" from eight forty five until nine thirty. I hooked three (in the mouth) and landed them all.

For the fishing to improve we need a change.  If we get serious rain -  if the River Master calls for more water -  if we get an all day drizzle - things may get better.  There are lots of big fish in the river,  they just aren't willing to eat your fly right now.


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