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Waiting for a cold rain.

Posted on August 20 2016

With most all of the anglers and guides concentrating on the upper WB where the fish have been pounded for the last three months and where the sulfur hatch has all but disappeared, I took my game elsewhere.

In the am I tried the upper big river. It looked good for the first ten minutes as I hooked and landed two small rainbows, got a refusal and saw another fish rise. Then nothing for two hours.

In the evening I cut my way into one of the better pools on the upper EB with a pair of pruning shears and then sat and watched the water go by. No bugs or risers. Just before dark when it looked like my 12 inch rainbow from early morning would be fish of the day, I saw two fish rise. They turned out to be a pair of 15 inch browns that shared the daily award.

The hot weather, bright sun, restricted fishing area and dearth of bugs have combined to make the fishing about as difficult as it can be. We need a cold front with a rain heavy enough to freshen the system. There is rain predicted for Sunday and cooler temp for Monday. We can hope. In the meantime cross items off your honey do list. It will be time better spent than driving down to the river.


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