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2017 AFFTA Board Election Update

Posted on October 02 2017


The American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA) is pleased to announce that Jen Ripple of Fly Squared Media is a newly elected Board Member following Michael White’s decision to not accept a Board seat following the 2017 general membership election.

Ripple is the Principal of Tennessee-based Fly Squared Media, the Editor-in-Chief of DUN Magazine and the Executive Editor of Tight Loop Magazine.

White’s decision to not accept a seat on the Board was due to his personal desire to focus on his business and family.

“Michael’s decision to not accept a Board seat due to his conflicting time constraints with his family and business is unfortunate, but I understand his decision, said AFFTA President Ben Bulis. Having Jen’s media savvy and experience will be a welcome addition to the AFFTA board. She joins the board at a time when her perspective will help increase the focus on a critical segment of the industry.”

New and re-elected board members will begin serving their three-year terms at the October 15, 2017 AFFTA Board meeting in Bozeman.

AFFTA advocates for and promotes the sustained growth of the fly fishing industry. By igniting consumer demand for products and services, providing businesses the tools to be successful, and advocating for access, protection and restoration of fishing waters, we will continue to enhance the passion and profitability of the sport of fly fishing.

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