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Fly Fishing, Fly Anglers on the Rise in U.S.

Posted on July 13 2005

According to recently released results of the annual study conducted by the Outdoor Industry Association, the only category of outdoor enthusiasts to show considerable growth over the past 6 years is fly fishing.
So why does it seem to many manufacturers that the market is shrinking? Perhaps a deeper look at the results is needed: “People who recreate the most are described as ‘enthusiasts,’ who, in 2004, were more likely to be white, male, younger than the median participant population (36) and moderately affluent.” Is the marketing for major fly fishing products manufacturers targeting this younger set? Do they visit fly shops as often as those of us who are “outside the profile” do? Are they as susceptible to “nostalgia marketing?” I wonder.
Sarah Toland in the Boulder, Colorado Daily Camera.

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