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Leadership transition at Far Bank Enterprises underscores smart planning, supportive company culture

Posted on January 19 2017


Travis Campbell

From Farbank:

Far Bank Enterprises, Inc., the parent company of Sage Manufacturing, Redington and RIO Products, announced today that Travis Campbell, Far Bank’s President and CEO of eight years, will become the next president at Smartwool, based in Steamboat Springs, Colo. Smartwool is a wholly owned subsidiary of VF Outdoor, the parent company of The North Face, Timberland, Jansport, Lucy, Eagle Creek, and others.

Larry Barrett, Far Bank vice president of operations and a member of the board at the American Fly Fishing Trade Association, will serve as interim president until a successor for Campbell is named.

“Few opportunities could be compelling enough to lure me away from this wonderful place,” Campbell said. “But those who know me well know the allure of living in a mountain town. The chance to do that, while also experiencing career advancement in the outdoor industry, is just too special to pass up.”

Barrett expressed gratitude for Campbell’s leadership and confidence in Far Bank’s future.

“We have an incredibly strong management team,” he said. “Our company is experiencing record success, and we have every reason to expect that to continue. We can be proud to work for a company that grows leadership talent that companies like Smartwool want to hire.”

The Joshua Green Corporation, an investment company with operations in Seattle, Wash., for more than a century, has owned Far Bank since 1994. The ownership is committed to the company’s strategic plan and fully supports its management team, said CEO Stanley McCammon.

“Thanks to Travis’ leadership and that of the organization’s stellar executive group, the business is in great shape,” McCammon said. “Far Bank delivered record revenue and profitability in 2016, and even better results are expected in 2017. We are full-steam ahead.”

Jay Green, a descendant of Joshua Green and chairman of the JGC board, reflected on Campbell’s path at Far Bank.

“Travis came here as an intern in 2001 and worked his way up to the C-suite,” Green said. “It’s a special privilege to watch a leader grow and develop that way. We wish him the very best.”


Far Bank Enterprises, Inc., is a holding company that has as its subsidiaries Sage Manufacturing, Redington, and RIO Products. Through these subsidiaries, Far Bank is engaged in the manufacture and sale of fine fly fishing rods, reels, waders, fly lines, leaders, tippet material, and apparel. Far Bank is wholly-owned by the Joshua Green Corporation, an investment firm based in Seattle, Wash.



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