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Orvis Backs Everglades Film, Wants More Industry Partners

Posted on January 24 2017

One of the most high-profile environmental issues of the day is the threat to the Everglades in Florida. It’s a freshwater and saltwater issue.  This is one that both political parties have dropped the ball on, and the impacts are already being seen, and they’re only getting compounded.

The Orvis Company has backed a video project called “The Balance” which involves a number of grassroots organizations and fishing personalities who discuss these issues in detail. You can check out a trailer above.

The thing is Orvis doesn’t necessarily want to “own” this project… the company wants the industry as a whole to get behind it. They’re looking for financial support (even $500 chunks) will help move this along. Ultimately, the video is going to need bandwidth and distribution as well.

Angling Trade is in. If you want to be too, please contact Tom Rosenbauer,

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