Posted on June 17 2011

When the silvers are around in numbers (that’s late July through early September in our neck of the woods at Alaska West), one of our favorite methods is to fish poppers.
It’s pretty simple.
- Locate pack of bright silvers.
- Huck floating line and popper out into the middle of ’em.
- Strip abruptly, making the popping, v-waking, chugging action as desired.
- Get ready to watch the show.

Silvers down near the ocean are really aggressive critters – here poppers work well and get the heart rate up! Sometimes fish explode on the fly. Sometime they roll on it. Sometimes you can watch a wake chase your fly for 20 yards until finally a kype pokes up out of the water and slowly inhales…
The number of silvers that return to our rivers at Alaska West is pretty remarkable; the fact that they like eating poppers makes us very happy anglers.