Posted on May 24 2014

“Spring” in Wyoming
Winters in Wyoming tend to drag on pretty long, so the arrival of sunny spring days sure gets a fisherman anxious to get on the water. Recently my good friend Shane found out his work was sending him from Seattle to Cheyenne, WY for a week. With that news we hatched a plan for me to drive from Jackson to meet up somewhere in Wyoming and go fishing.
I wanted to get some suggestions of some good spring fishing spots. So I called up my friend, Hank Hunker who lives in another part of the state. Hank and his dad George, run a well known guiding service in Wyoming called Sweetwater Fishing Expeditions. If you like to catch fish, Hank is a great person to be around. So lucky for us he wanted in on the trip, which also meant the meet-up destination became Central Wyoming.
The first day was beautiful weather t-shirt weather, although a bit of breeze made it a little chilly. We had the opportunity to fish a few of Hank’s favorite spots, which we found some beautiful fish. The second day though, it seems as if Mother Nature had a practical joke hidden up her sleeve. We woke up excited for another sunny day of fishing, only to find 6” of snow covering everything in sight. While recent warm weather optimism was the catalyst for our trip, Shane and I have a long history of getting caught outside in unfriendly conditions. So our pessimistic sides at least still packed for the worst, which we grudgingly put on as we headed out into winter like conditions anyway.
If you’re at your at home and planning a trip to your local spot. Weather like this is more likely to make you decide, to just stay inside and drink more coffee. When you’re traveling away from home though, you’re more than likely going to stick to the same plan. Just go out and face the crap conditions, because at least it’s still a chance to go fishing. As a good friend would always say, “at least it’ll make a good story later.“
Summer is almost here or rather there…I promise!
original content Scott Wood