Posted on May 17 2013
- Likening it to an impressionist painting, read a beautiful short piece by Louis Cahill on finding brown trout among the canvas of a streambed.
- Heavy rains and snowmelt runoff cause streams to run high and muddy, it’s par for the course in spring. But for the persistent and observant angler fish can still be found, writes Colin K. Breck via Hatch Magazine.
- For some friendly competition among fly patterns, check out Josh Bergan’s brackets.
- Estrogen, antibiotics, DEET, and even cocaine have been detected in Minnesota lakes. The study, conducted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (PCA) tested 127 compounds from a sampling of 50 lakes, with only three of the compounds returning a negative. “We need to look in the mirror,” says Mark Ferrey, lead researcher on the study, “No matter what we use, it finds its way into the environment.” Read more about this research at The Star Tribune.