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TROUT Media Review: Fish Print Shop

Posted on February 06 2018

Here’s a great way of preserving the memories of catching a “life fish,” in perfect harmony with the catch-and-release ethic. Simply submit a photo of the fish, along with its dimensions, and The Fish Print shop will create a likeness on fine paper, worthy of hanging on the wall, with a small stamp that also shows details like angler name, place of the catch, etc. There are over 1,500 species to choose from and the cost is $5 per inch. See details at

TROUT Media, the print/digital/and social media arm of Trout Unlimited, is partnering with Angling Trade Magazine to create insightful, honest, reporting and gear review content in the fly-fishing space. Both entities will be sharing various written reviews and videos on their respective platforms going forward.  TU will bring reviews by everyday anglers, for everyday anglers, while Angling Trade will bring insights from professional editors who have been exclusively focused on the North American fly-fishing market for over 15 years.  It will be a mix of gear reviews unlike anything produced to date.

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